Review Copies

Haii! Thanks for your visit to my little corner of Second Life…. and for making me look so fabulous all the time!


Below is some general information.  If you want to know how I edit/how much I edit my photos click here. Do you want to have rights to my photos or use them in your adds/on social media and etc? Just ask! I would be honored and more times than not I can send you a fullsize copy.

→ If your here because you want to send me review copies please understand that I wont accept anything unless you have contacted me prior to sending. This is for reasons such as scams. But it is also to help me to understand if I can meet your needs. I blog because I enjoy it very much, not because I want to take advantage of people.

→ I don’t hide my online status so if I’m online just pop me a quick IM before sending or a notecard if I’m offline. Or both if your feeling adventurous. 😀

→ I understand that you are busy but please please include a notecard with your items ( or let me know in im ) to explain if they are part of an event or any deadline or rules that I need to pay attention to.

→ My thoughts on templates: Maybe you have an awesome texture on yours and I  will consider. But I will refuse to publish the same templates multiple times on this blog.

→ If you would like to sponsor me full time please also send your blogging rules/information and your logo to add to my sponsor page.

→ I use the Maitreya body, and I have Catwa/LAQ bento heads. I also have the Physique body but my preference is for Maitreya.

→ Lastly, if I feel I can meet your needs and your items/brands personality matches my own style I will be happy to work with you and share your items on this blog.


Lets be fabulous together <33

I won’t vs I will:

  • I won’t use animations in furniture unless they are prop/still.  It’s too time consuming. I will, however, tell my readers that the pose I’m using is not in the furniture and if the furniture even has animations. Example.
  • I won’t “Blog” fatpacks. This isn’t that sort of blog. I will write about the HUD and explain color options. But I will not post a dozen pictures of the same outfit in different colors. Skin is an exception, hair would be an exception if you need a dedicated post because you updated your textures, for example.